Page 219 - 聖母軍團員手冊(英文版,2014年5月-2022年1月更新版)
P. 219
Legion HANDBOOK D10944_1 26/02/2014 15:53 Page 214
only be heard with an effort, and at once will the meeting
10. It shall be his duty to see that each member makes an
adequate report, to lead on by judicious questioning the
inexperienced or shy members, and on the other hand to
moderate those reports which, though excellent in themselves,
threaten to absorb too great a proportion of the time available.
11. Conformably with conducting the meeting properly, the
President should speak as little as possible. This means that he
must steer a middle course between extremes. One extreme is
that of administering neither check nor stimulation, so that
the meeting is left almost to run itself. The result is that some
members content themselves with giving monosyllabic
reports; while others will not stop. By this averaging of “too
little” and “too much”, a praesidium may seem to transact its
business in the proper time. But, needless to say, such a
combination of incorrectnesses does not amount to correct -
ness, no more than cloaked chaos is perfect order.
The other extreme is that of talking too much. Some
Presidents talk feverishly all the time, thereby, (a) appropriating
to themselves time which belongs to the other members, and
(b) perverting the idea of the praesidium, which is not
supposed to be a lecture-system but a united consideration of
“Father’s business,” (Lk 2:49) (c) more than that, excessive
talking from the chair lulls the members into a relaxed
condition in which they do not want to open their mouths.
Either of those extremes forms thoroughly bad training for
the members.
12. He shall cultivate the spirit of fraternity in the praesid -
ium, knowing that when this is gone all is gone. He shall
himself safeguard it by exhibiting the deepest affection for
each and every one of his members, and in general by setting
the example of a great humility. He shall receive our Lord’s
words: “Whoever wishes to be first among you must be your
slave.” (Mt 20:27)
13. He shall encourage his members to express their views
and volunteer their help in cases not their own, and thus