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P. 312

Legion HANDBOOK D10944_1  26/02/2014  15:53  Page 307

                 CHAPTER 40        GO PREACH THE GOSPEL           307
                   Therefore, they err sadly who regard the Blessed Virgin as a
                 barrier to conversion which should be lowered. She is the
                 Mother of grace and unity so that, without her, souls will not
                 find their way. Legionaries must consistently apply this
                 principle to their efforts to convert, that is, by explaining to all
                 what is sometimes, but in correctly, called the legionary
                 devotion to Mary. It is no property of the Legion which has
                 only learned it from the Church.
                   “The Virgin Mary has always been proposed to the faithful by the
                 Church as an example to be imitated not precisely in the type of life
                 she led, and much less for the socio-cultural background in which she
                 lived and which today scarcely exists anywhere. She is held up as an
                 example to the faithful rather for the way in which, in her own
                 particular life, she fully and respons ibly accepted the will of God (cf
                 Lk 1:38), because she heard the word of God and acted on it and
                 because charity and a spirit of service were the driving force of her
                 actions. She is worthy of imitation because she was the first and the
                 most perfect of Christ’s disciples. All of this has a permanent and
                 univer sal exemplary value.” (MCul 35)


                    “GO PREACH THE GOSPEL TO

                        THE WHOLE CREATION”

                                    (Mk 16:15)

                                1. HIS LAST TESTAMENT
                   A solemnity attaches to last words, even though they are
                 uttered in turmoil or weakness. What then is to be thought of
                 our Lord’s final injunction to the apostles: what has been
                 called his last will and testament, delivered at a moment more
                 awesome than that of Sinai — that is, as the completion of all
                 his earthly lawgiving and immediately before his Ascension?
                 As he speaks, he is already clothed with the very majesty of
                 the Trinity: “Go into all the world and proclaim the good
                 news to the whole creation.” (Mk 16:15)
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