Page 65 - 聖母軍團員手冊(英文版,2014年5月-2022年1月更新版)
P. 65

Legion HANDBOOK D10944_1  26/02/2014  15:53  Page 64

                 64                THE LEGION APOSTOLATE     CHAPTER 10
                   The priest who does not comprehend this law of priestly mission
                 will go through life realising only a fraction of his power, whereas it is
                 his true destiny in Christ to measure the horizons.” (Canon F. J.

                             5. THE LEGION IN THE PARISH

                   “In the present circumstances the lay faithful have the
                 ability to do very much and, therefore, ought to do very
                 much towards the growth of an authentic ecclesial
                 communion in their parishes in order to reawaken missionary
                 zeal towards non-believers and believers themselves who have
                 abandoned the faith or grown lax in the Christian life.” (CL
                 27) It will be found that the growth of a true community
                 spirit will be greatly promoted by the establishment of the
                 Legion of Mary. Through the Legion, lay people become
                 accustomed to working in the parish in close union with their
                 priests and participating in pastoral responsibilities. The
                 regulation of various parish activities through a regular
                 weekly meeting is an advantage in itself. A higher
                 consideration, however, is that  those involved in the work of
                 the parish will be provided, through member ship of the
                 Legion, with a spiritual formation, which will help them to
                 understand that the parish is an Eucharistic com munity, and
                 with a methodical system, which will enable them to reach
                 out to everyone in the parish, with the aim of building up
                 that community. Some of the ways in which the Legion
                 apostolate may be under taken in a parish are described in
                 chapter 37, Suggestions as to Works.
                   “The lay apostolate must be considered by priests as a definite part
                 of their ministry, and by the faithful as a duty of the Christian life.”
                 (Pope Pius XI)


                   Again, the Church by exhibiting only a cautious routine
                 would place the Truth, of which it is the custodian, in a very
                 dis advan tageous setting. If the young once form the habit of
                 looking to purely worldly or even irreligious systems for the
                 active idealism for which generous natures crave, a terrible
                 harm has been done, for which future generations will pay.
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